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6 Letter Words Wordle

Brief Outlook At The 6 Letter Words Wordle Game

In the community of puzzle game lovers, the wordle game has always been a masterpiece that has a steady position in almost everyone's list of top puzzle games. The word-guessing game delivers fun and joyful moments to play via the appropriate word puzzle with friendly gameplay.

However, the Wordle game may not be a true challenge for players looking for a hardcore puzzle due to the number of letters contained in the hidden word. So, the 6 Letter Words Wordle game is created to make up for the need of a real challenge Wordle players are seeking for.

Believe it or not, despite having only one word more than the hidden word of the Wordle game, this variant is still a tough milestone for puzzle game solvers to conquer. Ready to put yourself to the limit?

How To Play The 6 Letter Words Wordle Game?

The 6 Letter Words Wordle game requires players to fill the blank grid with 6-letter English words. You have 7 chances to figure out the solution word. However, the number of letters contained in a word is a modified feature of the game compared to the original Wordle game, allowing you to change the word length from 3 to 8 characters.

Besides the fixed number of letters in a guessed word, players must make sure that the word is a valid word in the dictionary and it must be correctly spelled.

Don’t forget to press Enter to submit your guess after finishing the word guess. You will receive feedback from the game immediately after your guess submission.

Hints In The 6 Letter Words Wordle Game

Three colors will bring different meanings to players:

  • The green color will be applied to letters that are components of the solution word and are perfectly put in the right order. You win the game when all the letters in the guessed word turn green.
  • Yellow is also used for letters in hidden words, but their positions in the word must be altered in the subsequent guess. In other words, yellow letters are still the correct guess, but you should find other possible spots for them in your next moves.
  • The gray color indicates letters not included in the solution word. You should avoid reusing the gray letters to save your guess.
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