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What Is The Adverswordle Game?

If you're familiar with Wordle NYT, Adverswordle will be easy to start. Instead of you trying to guess the word that the computer has chosen, you must choose a word, and the computer will try to guess it in Adverswordle. In other words, this is the "reverse" version of Wordle.

Interesting Experiences In Adverswordle

  • Reversal role: You will become the puzzle giver instead of the puzzle solver.
  • Intellectual challenge: Choosing a secret word that is difficult enough to challenge the computer and also easy enough for you to provide useful hints is interesting.
  • Learn how computers think: By playing Adverswordle, you will understand how machine learning algorithms work when solving language-related problems.
  • Intense Competition: Adverswordle offers you a playground to compete with AI. The feeling of surpassing the machine and reaching a high point will definitely make you excited.
  • Discover new words: Adverswordle helps you expand your vocabulary naturally. To reach the highest scores and compete with the computer, you must look up difficult words, which will motivate you to learn their meanings and discover new ways to use them.
  • Guide on Playing Adverswordle

    Because the rule in this game has certain differences, you’re best to know how to play Adverswordle:

    1. Choose a secret word: You will think of a 5-letter word and hold it in your mind. This is the word the computer will try to guess.
    2. See the computer’s guess: The computer will give an initial guess of a word with five letters, for example, PEARS, SCENT, etc. Its answer will be different from day to day.
    3. Provide clues (if any): You will rate the computer's guess by using the same colors as in Wordle:
    4. Green: It shows that the letters are correct and in the right location.

      Yellow: Your keyword includes these letters but in the wrong position.

      Gray: They’re not in your secret word.

    5. The computer continues to guess: Based on your suggestions, the computer will make further predictions.
    6. Scores you get: The number of the computer’s attempts used to find your keyword will decide your points. For instance, you will get 6 scores once it takes 6 tries to fill in your right secret word.

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