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An Overview Of The Jewdle Game

Believe it or not, playing games about a specific topic is always one of the most efficient methods for people to learn faster and more properly about it. The fact stays true to the case of the Jewdle game, which is a remake version of the famous wordle game.

This version is a word game in which players pick a hidden word to win. However, unlike the casual word source of the Wordle game, it only focuses on English words related to Jewish things. The words can be slang, the name of a historical site, a famous Jewish person, etc.

Don't mistake that the game doesn't allow players to guess other English words. On the other hand, casual English words are still approved in the game, but the solution word must be Jewry-related. It will be a fun approach to delve into the world of Judaism.

How To Play The Jewdle Game?

The Jewdle game features the layout of a blank grid with five columns and six rows. Five columns are equivalent to the number of letters contained in a word, and six rows indicate that you have six tries to guess the hidden word.

To make a guess, you have to type a five-letter English word and press Enter to submit it to the game. Remember that the guessed words should be related to the Jewish theme for the best result you can get.

After using all 6 guesses in the Jewdle game without coming up with the correct answer, the game will reveal the solution word and its definition in English. Therefore, it will be a great opportunity for you to learn new Jewish words via the fascinating word game.

Does The Jewdle Game Give Hints?

Yes, Jewdle provides players with hints while playing via three colors:

  • The blue color indicates letters contained in the solution word in the exact position. You win the game when finding a word full of blue letters.
  • The orange color tells you which letters are nearly correct. They are also included in the solution words but should be put in another position in the next guessed words.
  • If a letter is not a part of the solution word, it will turn gray. Gray letters shouldn't be reused.
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