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Jordle with Jordie

What is Jordle with Jordie?

Jordle with Jordie is a word-guessing game inspired by Wordle NYT. However, this version takes the fun to the next level with its unique Neopia-themed gameplay. It takes you on a thrilling adventure on the Neopia island, inhabited by the Neopets. Jordie, a friendly Kougra, will accompany you on this journey.

Here, you will explore their culture by guessing Jordle’s words related to this magical land. The game also offers other interesting features, which will be explained in the next part.

How To Play The Jordle With Jordie

Like with Wordle, your job is to figure out a secret 5-letter word of the day. You have 6 chances to find the words. If you fail, you have to wait until midnight to get another puzzle. Your guess must be valid English words that can be related to the Neopia island or our real world.

To send your guess, click on the letters on the virtual keyboard and hit Enter to submit. Then, the system will give you some clues in color forms:

  • Green: The letter is correct. You will win if all 6 letters turn green.
  • Yellow: The letter is misplaced, and you need to change it to another position in the next attempt.
  • Gray: The character is incorrect. Don’t reuse it!
  • The best part is that Jordie, a down-to-earth Neopian citizen, will pop up in the game to give you some hints or simply a pat on the back. Regardless, his presence is a delightful addition to the game, making it more engaging.

    Tips To Play The Game

    Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Don’t forget your trusted ally—Jordie! To meet him, you only have to select the “Jordie, give me a hint!” button at the bottom. Then, he will show up and suggest some ideas, like the category of the game.
  • It’s recommended to log into your jnAccount to track your progress. This way, you can improve your performance in the next challenge. You can also share your results with other Neopians to seek more inspiration or competition in the game.
  • Research some information about Neopia Island and learn new words about this land. This will help you come up with new words more easily when playing. However, don’t restrict yourself to Neopia-related terms only. Real-world words are also accepted in the game.
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