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Letreco: The Portuguese Version Of Wordle

Letreco is a word-guessing game inspired by Wordle NYT. However, it exploits the rich Portuguese vocabulary to set it apart from other variants. An interesting fact about this game is that it was created by a Brazilian developer - Gabriel Toschi. He aims to stimulate brain development through a rich language system and feelings of excitement.

Since its introduction, the game has made a splash on the Internet thanks to many factors. For example, the easy-to-understand rules attract new players, while its restrictive conditions add more excitement.

The game quickly expanded its community, as players share their achievements on social networking sites, which motivates other users to join in. This also promotes healthy competition - another addictive aspect of Letreco.

How To Play The Letreco Game

Letrecto inherits most of the iconic features of its famous predecessor - Wordle. It retains the settings on the home screen to create a sense of familiarity for players.

You’ll come across an empty grid when you access Letreco. Like Wordle, you submit your guesses using the virtual keyboard right on the screen. Remember that you must type in valid 5-letter Portuguese words. Plus, you only have a maximum of 6 turns to unlock the hidden keyword.

After each of your inputs, the system changes the color of the tiles to provide additional hints. Letreco applies a fixed color scheme to evaluate your guess. Each color carries a distinct meaning:

  • Blue or green: You have placed the letter in its correct position.
  • Orange or yellow: The character is part of the solution word but should be placed in another spot.
  • Black or reddish brown: The letter should be ruled out in the next tries.
  • Remember that you can only play 1 game each day, and a new challenge will begin at midnight.

    Playing Tips

    Keep guessing until all the tiles turn blue/green. If you are at a dead end, try our tips:

  • Use phonetics or popular consonants such as "S," "T," or "N."
  • Take advantage of potential characters. Suppose you get a result consisting of a blue "E" and a yellow "S"; combine them in the next attempts, for example, "QUASE."
  • Feel free to ask search engines for help or pause the game to clear your head.
  • Other games

    there are many other games developed under Wordle NYT, let's try them out