Letter Links

Introduce About Letter Links

Letter Links in the Wordle world is an interesting word-finding game with many levels. You'll create the empty squares by linking the letters into the meaningful words. When they form a line (either a vertical or horizontal row is okay), you've conquered a level.

The first level will need an empty row, and then the rows will gradually increase in level. This means that the difficulty will also increase.

Plus, there is a timer, which adds pressure to players. Those who like challenges should not miss this game. Let's start playing it right away!

Play Letter Links Game Competently With Our Guidelines

To conquer the play-game levels in Letter Links, you must create empty rows by connecting the letters into the right word. After pressing "Play", the game will start:

  1. The 1st level opens with 8 vertical and horizontal squares.
  2. Let's link the letters (at least three ones) to form a meaningful word.
  3. The letters will automatically disappear and leave empty squares if you link them into an exact word.
  4. You only need to get a square-empty row, which can move to the next level. The number of levels corresponds to how many empty rows you must complete.
  5. You might tap the TNT to destroy any 3x3 area you want to remove. However, you can only use it when you link the pink letters into a complete word.

Tips to Pass The Levels in Letter Links Effectively

  • Since the 2nd level, you should create the empty rows both vertically and horizontally. Letter Links accepts these.
  • DUN, GIN, HIT, DAM, etc., are the frequently common words that you can consult to use in the game.
  • Setting up a 3-minute timer for every round requires paying attention to it throughout your game playing.
  • You can connect letters horizontally, vertically, and diagonally as long as it is a connecting line.
  • Try to eliminate the pink letters when using the TNT. It is useful for removing the consonants.
  • Letter Links has both English and Spanish to select before beginning. It attaches to sound to increase the feeling when playing it.

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