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Plotwords takes players on a treasure hunt through the world of cinema with a rich imagination. Each puzzle comes with a set of clues that lead you closer to the answer.
The premise of Plotwords is simple yet intellectually stimulating. Players guess the movie title using only plot keywords.
Unlike traditional puzzle games that heavily rely on visuals, this game introduces an added layer of complexity, transforming the guessing process into a stimulating mental challenge.
With five tries, players will navigate the context of plot keywords; each attempt brings them closer to the identity of the featured film.
Challenge your filmmaking skills with Plotwords as you solve intricate puzzles to recreate a movie from scratch.
There are two game modes available: unlimited play and daily challenge. Please select one to begin.
Plotwords doesn't have any images, so you have to focus entirely on the clues related to the story of the movie you need to guess.
"Play unlimited" gives you all the clues upfront, while "Play daily challenge" offers a more interactive experience, revealing clues as you progress.
Your goal is to crack the code and discover the movie title using the clues at your disposal.
Keep an eye on the 5-heart icon above, as you guess. Each heart represents a life you have left.
Plan your guesses carefully, as each wrong answer costs you a life. Use your knowledge of film genres, metaphors, and iconic plot points to your advantage.
If your movie knowledge is limited, it's best to start with Play Unlimited. Those with more extensive knowledge should try the other mode.
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