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Thirdle Game - The Easier Version Of Wordle

Suppose you have a difficult start with Wordle; practice and gain experience with Thirdle before that. It is seen as a spin-off with a lower difficulty level focusing on three-letter keywords instead of five. Therefore, it is helpful for children to build their vocabulary.

Spending time with Thirdle is a good preparation to move to more advanced versions because it shares most of the same qualities as other options in the same universe.

A common format consists of an empty grid, a mystery keyword, and a color scheme for hint display. How do all these things evolve into an addictive challenge? Scroll down to discover its game rule.

How To Play Thirdle

An empty grid welcomes your login, which means no indication is given in the first place. As mentioned above, your task is to unlock the hidden keyword of three characters. Players have all three turns to solve the puzzle - the faster you are, the cooler you are.

All inputs are performed from the virtual keyboard at the bottom. Go with one random word and see how it transforms in color. Green shows that the character has reached the correct position, as expected. If the tile turns red, you are close to winning.

The best part is that this game does not limit the number of daily plays. In other words, you can use it indefinitely in your free time to upgrade your skills quickly.

The smart strategy for the next move is to adjust the position of this character to make it blue. Meanwhile, gray implies your wrong placement. It is best to remove this letter from the following attempts.

Some Useful Playing Tips

If you are at a dead end, tap on Hint in the upper left corner of the screen. The system then gives you a certain letter that is certain to appear in the final answer. However, you have to make an effort to get it to the right place.

Do not ignore your statistics to review your performance. Click the Stats button in the center of the screen for quick access, or wait until the challenge is over.

The information needed for your statistics and strategy building includes the number of plays, the number of goals/losses, and the number of hints used.

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