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What Is Thirtle?

The graphics, layout, and the game’s name with “dle” ending show that the Thirtle game is somehow related to the famous word-guessing game Wordle. Yes, the Thirtle game is a variant of the Wordle game.

However, unlike the original Wordle game that requires players to guess one secret word in a game, the Thirtle game will challenge players with 30 secret words. Literally, you can consider playing a Thirtle game, like taking 30 Wordle games simultaneously.

The Rules Of The Thirtle Game

You can skip this part if you are familiar with the Wordle game’s rules. On the contrary, you should spend a few seconds to know the Thirtle game’s rules.

A Thirtle game consists of thirty rounds, in which you must finish all the rounds continuously. In each round, you will have six chances to guess a five-letter English word.

Therefore, with 30 rounds, the game allows players to have 180 guesses. Yet, you must complete every single round without losing any of them to win all the games.

If you lose a round, the game will stop. Time count-down is not set in the Thirtle game, so you can have the whole day to figure out all the words before the game restarts with new words the next day.

How To Play The Thirtle Game?

Playing the Thirtle game is just the task of arranging provided letters into a valid English word that matches the game’s solution. You can form the word with your physical keyboard or by tapping the virtual keyboard on the screen.

After you finish submitting a potential guess, the Thirtle game will give you hints via the colors:

  • The orange color represents a perfect guess. A letter-colored orange means that it is included in the hidden word, and you have put it in the right spot. The word you pick is fully established by orange letters and is the exact hidden word.
  • The yellow color tells you that you have nearly reached a correct guess. A yellow letter indicates that the letter is in the secret word, but you have misplaced it. You should alter the yellow letter’s position in the subsequent guess.
  • The gray color is a sign of a wrong guess. A gray letter doesn't show up in the secret word. You must avoid arranging the next word with the gray letter.
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