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Tiki Taka Toe

What Is Tiki Taka Toe?

Right from the name, you will know Tiki Taka Toe is a football-inspired game. In particular, it is a puzzle game that runs on the theme of football, which is much more exciting and fascinating than other puzzle or word games. The title is a combination of the guessing gameplay and the Tic Tac Toe game.

Players will guess a footballer’s name from the information given in advance, and each correct guess will be counted as a move in the Tic Tac Toe layout. You will win when having three correct answers, and the answers are arranged according to the rule of Tic Tac Toe.

In this game, players will have many interesting play modes, especially the Online Opponent one, in which you can compete with other players to evaluate who has the deepest understanding of football.

Game Modes In The Tiki Taka Toe Game

Firstly, you will have a window of four playable modes of the Tiki Taka Toe game:

  • Friend Mode: You can customize in-game functions and challenge your friends with the football Tic Tac Toe match via a shareable link. This mode is appropriate to enjoy the game with a friend who is far from you.
  • Online Opponent: The game will randomly put you into a room with a random player, which will be your opponent.
  • Same Screen: Like the Friend Mode, you also play the Tiki Taka Toe game with a friend, but you two can enjoy the fun on the same device.
  • Box2Box: There is no more Tic Tac Toe rule in this mode. It will become solely a guessing game.
  • Tiki Taka Toe Game Playing Tutorial

    No matter which mode you play, the condition for a guess being counted as a correct answer still remains the same.

    The 3x3 grid consists of three columns and three rows. Each row and column will start with a piece of information about the hidden player, like the clubs they have played or have been playing for, their national teams, their personal achievement, etc.

    You will choose a blank spot on the grid and make a guess as long as the player matches the information of both the column and the row.

    For example, the first spot in the first-row answer is Willian because the player’s national team is Brazil, and one of the clubs he has played for is Chelsea. Only the correct player is positioned in the blank spot.

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