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Wortel brings a fresh approach to word games, providing players with the opportunity to expand their vocabulary while embarking on an exciting puzzle-solving journey.
With non-repeating guessed words, players are encouraged to test their Dutch vocabulary. This makes Wortel an irresistible game for those looking to experience a new language.
Discover a new 5-letter word with Wortel every day and watch your vocabulary soar. Let's go!
This is a reminder: this is Dutch, not English! Click "Play Game" to start your Dutch adventure.
Discovery Dutch with Wortel! These tips are for you!
The strategic first word. Although there are no clues or hints for the first word, you can optimize your prediction by using a word with the vowels O, E, and I. It's best to avoid the consonants X, Z, and J.
Suggestions for optimizing your subsequent guesses. You will receive immediate feedback after each guess.
If you use these tips effectively, you can find the keyword without wasting all your guesses.
The crucial final guess. You haven't found the correct answer after your previous attempts? For your last guess, you have 4 out of 5 letters from the keyword, so you can try rearranging them and adding a new letter to determine the optimal keyword for the letters you have.
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